- Title
- Back To The Future
- --
- Year of Film
- 1985
- Director
- Robert Zemeckis
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- Advance
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 1985
- Designer
- Unknown
- Artist
- Drew Struzan
- Size (inches)
- 27" x 40 15/16"
- SS or DS
- SS
- NSS #
- --
- Tagline
- He was never in time for his classes... He wasn't in time for his dinner... Then one day... he wasn't in his time at all.
Thanks for adding these wonderful collection of your posters, onto this digital archive online. I think it is a great way to share your collection and I guess big congratulations are in order for doing that. You are not at all selfish about sharing what you have. Good on you.
I am a graphic design lecturer at the Fiji National University (FNU) and I teach my students the art of poster-making. This is one site I just got access to and will definitely be showing your work and documentation of these amazing posters to my students. They would learn a lot from your documented text and photographs.
Thanks for sharing and good luck with posting more (new/older) posters later on. Looking forward to them.
Great work photographing every one of them and capturing all the important features like illustration details, titles, tag lines and print information.
Thanks Heaps and best regards,
Jerry W. Young
Senior Lecturer-Creative Arts
Music, Visual (Arts) and Performing Arts Dept.
School of Communication and Creative Arts
College of Humanities & Education
Fiji National University
Thanks very much for your kind comments Jerry, much appreciated. I’ve tried to make the site into something of a dedication to the great designers and artists who created these superb posters over the years.
Surely for a Drew Struzan poster, he should be credited as the designer too.
It’s a good point and one that I’ve often wondered about myself. I think that there a few artists who design and illustrate everything, but in most cases poster artists work with a creative director or designer(s) who will dictate what they want to see on the poster and then it’s up to the artist to realise these wishes. If you check out Drew’s book ‘The Art of Drew Struzan’ he talks about working with studios and designers who have an idea what they’d like to see him draw. Even for someone with Drew’s calibre and reputation there were always folks who had a hand in the design.
The Pan’s Labyrinth one sheet, for example, was illustrated from a design by Del Toro, as Drew himself acknowledges in the book.