- Title
- Dirty Harry
- Ispettore Callaghan: il caso Scorpio è tuo [Inspector Callaghan: The Scorpio case is yours] (Italy)
- Year of Film
- 1971
- Director
- Don Siegel
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- Restrike
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- Unknown - 1980s?
- Designer
- Bill Gold
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 27" x 41"
- SS or DS
- SS
- NSS #
- 71/349
- Tagline
- Detective Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases. He smashes them.
I believe this to be an official restrike/reissue done by Warner Brothers in the late 70s or early 80s. In comparison to the original one I have you can see that the layout changes and several printer marks are missing, yet it measures the correct 27″ x 41″. The fold lines from the copied original are also visible (see photos).
If anyone has any more information on this please get in touch.
Hard to say what year exactly. I’m guessing 1989. When BATMAN came out, they were selling reprints of their classic movies in their new Warner Brothers catalog. This was one of them. I have one. Paid 150 for it, and obviously upset. But what can I do about it at this point? Besides, Clint Eastwood signed it for me a year ago. so, can’t really get rid of it now, but still pretty upsetting that it’s not an original. Beware of ebay
Thanks for your comment. Late 1980s makes sense to me. I have one of the restrikes of A Clockwork Orange too. I’m certain they’ve stung a lot of people in the past, I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much over it. At least you know what to look out for now.
I’m actually pretty ok with it. Still on the wall, signed by Clint. I may get an original issued folded just to have it, but either way that poster is great with his signature on it! Met him a few months ago too! He’s just signed a picture I took with him
I have this exact poster. I bought it back in 1991 I believe. It was an official restrike (reissue) from the exact printing plate used for the original. (That is why the poster measures correctly) I bought it from a dealer that sold original movie posters. He stated warner bros was doing this for the 20th anniversary release of the movie. I was looking for the original but he did not have any at that time. He offered me this option due to its exact replication for 50 dollars. Please keep this discussion going online due to people selling possibly as 1971 originals. As a side note the poster did come rolled and not folded. Anymore questions please feel free to ask.