- Slady wilczych zebów (literally 'Wolves' Teeth Marks') | Zánik samoty Berhof (Czech - original title)
- Year of Film
- 1984
- Director
- Jirí Svoboda
- Starring
- Jana Brejchová, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Milan Knazko, Lubomír Kostelka, Ladislav Krivácek, Miroslav Machácek, Jerzy Nowak, Viteszlav Pohanka
- Origin of Film
- Czechoslovakia
- Genre(s) of Film
- Drama
- Type of Poster
- B1
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Poland
- Year of Poster
- 1985
- Designer
- Wiktor Sadowski
- Artist
- Wiktor Sadowski
- Size (inches)
- 26 11/16" x 38 4/16"
- SS or DS
- SS
- Tagline
- --
A striking illustration by the Polish artist Wiktor Sadowski features on this Polish poster for the release of the Czechoslovakian film End of the Lonely Farm Berghof. Directed by Jirí Svoboda, the film appears to be little-seen, at least judging by the absence of any reviews on its IMDb page and elsewhere. The plot is described on kinosvetozor.cz thusly:
“Based on a novel by Vladimir Korner, Zanik Samoty Berhof takes place just as World War II has ended, and the Germans who live in Sudentenland now find themselves citizens of Czechoslovakia. Hitler annexed that area during the war, and it was simply given back after the war. Rather than peacefully accept the situation, some Germans continued to fight in this northwestern border region, refusing to accept the end of the war. In this story, several of these people end up at the Berhof farm […] When the mayor of the town decides that these “warmongers” have to be handled immediately, the fate of the people on the farm seems bleak indeed.”
Wiktor Sadowski who was born in Olendry in 1956 and later graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Sadowski has painted hundreds of film posters during his career and has won several prestigious awards, including a gold medal at Poster Biennale of Poland in 1984 and a gold medal from the New York Society of Illustrators in 1994. There are multiple galleries of his work online, including this one on the Polish Poster Gallery website and this one on Polishposter.com that both clearly show the quality of his artwork.