- Title
- High And Low
- Tengoku to jigoku (Japan - original title) | Heaven and Hell (English - literal title) | The Ransom (UK) | Anatomia Di Un Rapimento [Anatomy of a robbery] (Italy)
- Year of Film
- 1963
- Director
- Akira Kurosawa
- Starring
- Toshirō Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai, Kyōko Kagawa, Tatsuya Mihashi, Isao Kimura, Kenjiro Ishiyama, Takeshi Katō, Takashi Shimura, Tsutomu Yamazaki
- Origin of Film
- Japan
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- Re-release
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 1986
- Designer
- Bob Crow
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 27 1/8" x 41"
- SS or DS
- SS
- NSS #
- --
- Tagline
- --
This film is amazing and the poster is amazing! This site is amazing
Kurosawa the legend. Cheers Joe 🙂