- Title
- Jaws 2
- Les dents de la mer, 2e partie (France)
- Year of Film
- 1978
- Director
- Jeannot Szwarc
- Starring
- Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Joseph Mascolo, Jeffrey C. Kramer, Collin Wilcox, Ann Dusenberry, Mark Gruner
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- Teaser - style B
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 1978
- Designer
- Unknown
- Artist
- Jack Leynnwood
- Size (inches)
- 27 3/16" x 41 1/8"
- SS or DS
- SS
- Tagline
- Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
Hi, caught your site by a fluke. Thought I would share…Jack Leynnwood painted the original art for this poster. Had quite a phone conversation while he was working on it!