- Title
- Shame
- --
- Year of Film
- 2011
- Director
- Steve McQueen
- Starring
- Michael Fassbender, Hannah Ware, James Badge Dale, Nicole Beharie, Alex Manette, Hannah Ware
- Origin of Film
- UK
- Genre(s) of Film
- Drama
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 2011
- Designer
- Mark Carroll
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 27 1/16" x 40"
- SS or DS
- DS
- Tagline
- --
A simple yet striking design on this poster for Shame, director Steve McQueen‘s 2011 portrait of a sex addict in New York City. Starring Michael Fassbender as Brandon, a 30-something office worker whose regimented diet of erotic activity is thrown into disarray with the arrival of his estranged and emotionally disturbed younger sister, Sissy (Carey Mulligan). Fassbender’s performance is something to behold and was certainly up there with the best of 2011 and McQueen cemented himself as a director of note, this having followed on from his stunning debut film Hunger (2008). It’s worth noting that this is the only poster in my collection that features an NC-17 rating.
The designer of this poster is a freelance American designer called Mark Carroll, who has worked on a number of other excellent posters for recent films including Tree of Life and Martha Marcy May Marlene. I’ve struggled to find much out about the man himself – I don’t believe he has website, for example – but IMPAwards has a gallery of some of his other designs. If anyone has any more information about him, and other posters that he’s worked on, please get in touch.