- Title
- Tarzan The Ape Man
- --
- Year of Film
- 1981
- Director
- John Derek
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- One sheet
- Style of Poster
- Final
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 1981
- Designer
- Spiros Angelikas
- Artist
- Olivia De Berardinis
- Size (inches)
- 27 1/16" x 41 1/16"
- SS or DS
- SS
- NSS #
- 810120
- Tagline
- The most beautiful woman of our time in the most erotic adventure of all time.
A film that is perhaps only notable for a bizarre scene in which a nude Bo Derek nurses a small chimpanzee (link here and NSFW, obviously), Tarzan the Ape Man was an attempt to tell the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs story from the point of view of Jane, rather than the titular hero.
Directed by Bo’s husband John Derek (this was one of four collaborations between the pair) the production was reportedly sued by the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate for containing too much erotic content. The estate apparently failed in their bid to prevent the release of the film but succeeded in having over three minutes of footage excised from the theatrical release.
According to the film’s Wikipedia page, the film was quite a success at the US box office (taking over $36 million), despite being critically mauled and winning six Golden Raspberry Awards.
Bo Derek featured in an issue of Playboy magazine around the release of the film and I have the advance one sheet for this film advertising the fact, which can be seen here.
The artist responsible for the artwork on this one sheet is Olivia De Berardinis, known simply as Olivia, an American artist who is famed for her paintings of women in a pinup or ‘cheesecake’ style. Born in California, Olivia spent most of her youth on the East Coast, attending the New York School of Visual Arts from 1967 to 1970. By 1975 she was taking on commercial work, which included illustrations for novel covers, periodicals, advertisements and movie posters. She’s perhaps best know for the paintings she did for adult magazines, including most famously for Playboy. She had a regular slot in the magazine since 2004, often accompanied by a Hugh Hefner caption. She now resides in Malibu, California and continues to work and sell her previous paintings to fans. One of the other movie posters she worked on was for the 1981 romantic sexploitation comedy Babe, which can be seen here.
The original trailer is on YouTube.
I like how the poster suggests that Tarzan, the Ape-Man, is actually a stunning woman.
Yeah, I don’t think there’s any confusion as to the main selling point of the film! Poor old Miles O’Keefe is relegated to an ‘and…’ in the credits block.
I have long wanted to know who the artist of this poster was also. I know that Frazetta did some unreleased, pre-production ad work, but that just doesn’t look his style at all.My guess based upon the subject matter and brush style is Olivia DeBeradinis.
Thanks Ted. I shall do some digging and see if I can find anything that ties Olivia to this poster.