- Title
- The Andromeda Strain
- --
- Year of Film
- 1971
- Director
- Robert Wise
- Starring
- Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson, Kate Reid, Paula Kelly, George Mitchell, Ramon Bieri, Peter Hobbs, Kermit Murdock, Richard O'Brien
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- B2
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Japan
- Year of Poster
- 1971
- Designer
- Unknown
- Artist
- --
- Size (inches)
- 20 4/16" x 28 13/16"
- SS or DS
- SS
- Tagline
- --
A unique design on this Japanese poster for the classic sci-fi thriller The Andromeda Strain, which was based on Michael Crichton’s book of the same name. Despite clearly being a product of the early 1970s the film still stands up today and the events depicted are no less terrifying than they were 41 years ago; the threat of an unknown and deadly disease hangs over us all.
The story focuses on the mysterious deaths of the inhabitants of a small town in Arizona after a satellite crashes back to earth nearby. It’s suspected that the satellite was carrying an unknown extraterrestrial organism and a specialist team of scientists is despatched to investigate. They recover the satellite and also discover there are two survivors in the town; a delirious elderly man and a baby. The team then heads to the specially constructed ‘Wildfire’ underground bunker where they must race against time (and the threat of nuclear destruction) to neutralise the alien threat with the help of the two survivors.
The visual effects were designed by Douglas Trumbull who has worked his magic on multiple classic films over the years, including 2001, Blade Runner and recently on The Tree of Life. Using techniques he’d honed on 2001, Trumbull was able to create realistic looking (for the time) screen displays without the need for an actual computer. The production design by Boris Leven is also fantastic with the bunker interior being particularly notable.
The US one sheet features the same shot of James Olson in the hermetically sealed suit with the uninfected baby.
The original trailer is available on YouTube.