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- Year of Film
- 2007
- Director
- Seth Gordon
- Origin of Film
- Type of Poster
- Style of Poster
- --
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 2007
- Designer
- Scott C.
- Artist
- Scott C.
- Size (inches)
- 18" x 24"
- Tagline
- --
This print was originally designed by illustrator Scott Campbell to be used as an alternative cover for the DVD release. Details can be found on his blog here, plus more follow up work here.
“Hey, everybody. the KING OF KONG A FISTFUL OF QUARTERS is the best movie ever. I love this movie very much. The DVD is now out and i am super honored to have done a painting to be used as the alternate cover of the dvd. i havent seen it yet in real life, but i think you can turn the cover inside out. i am unsure, but i think you should go see for yourself. also there are some awesome extras on the dvd like an animated short by gabe swarr about the history of donkey kong. he is the best. gabe swarr.  also, i am 8bit is going to start selling prints of this piece within the month i think. AND we will all be doing a signing in LA sometime this month as well. i will let you know when that is.. when i find out. i think everybody will be there having a good time.. like the king of kong people perhaps…”