- Title
- The Big Lebowski
- Il grande Lebowski (Italy)
- Year of Film
- 1998
- Director
- Joel Coen
- Starring
- Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tara Reid, Peter Stormare, Flea, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Jack Kehler, John Turturro, David Thewlis, Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara
- Origin of Film
- USA | UK
- Genre(s) of Film
- Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tara Reid, Peter Stormare, Flea, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Jack Kehler, John Turturro, David Thewlis, Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara,
- Type of Poster
- Screen print
- Style of Poster
- Posters and Toys variant
- Origin of Poster
- Year of Poster
- 2009
- Designer
- Tyler Stout
- Artist
- Tyler Stout
- Size (inches)
- 24" x 36"
- SS or DS
- SS
- Tagline
- --
This is the scarce Posters and Toys variant of the 2011 screen print by Tyler Stout for the much-loved Coen Brothers classic, The Big Lebowski. Jeff Bridges stars as The Dude, a lifelong slacker who also happens to share his name with a millionaire philanthropist with a trophy wife who owes money to a shady pornographer. A pair of hired goons break into his place, rough him up and urinate on his rug. When the goons realise they have the wrong man they leave The Dude alone but, after consulting with his friends Walter (a memorable turn by John Goodman) and Donny (Steve Buscemi), he decides to seek out the real Lebowski to seek compensation for the rug, but things start to spiral out of control when the wife is kidnapped and he agrees to help secure her return.
To say the film has become something of a cultural phenomenon since its release in 1998 would be an understatement. As well as a worldwide legion of fans, there’s the annual Lebowski-Fest, which started in 2002 in Louisville, Kentucky and has since been held in several other cities. Jeff Bridges iconic ‘The Dude’ character is even the focus behind a form of religion called Dudeism.
I’d have a hard time choosing between this and Fargo as my favourite Coen Brothers film, although Raising Arizona and Barton Fink are also strong contenders.
I recently spotted this rather excellent GIF.